It’s worth being quick: Introductory offer for municipalities 🎉
Everyone gets everything important
Thanks to your own app that people like to use, your information really reaches everyone.
Simply communicate together
A secure platform that makes participation easy. Your app is not made for people, but with people.
No additional effort
Time savings instead of time investment through clever connections and participation. In this way, administration is spread across many shoulders.
Over 700 organizations throughout Europe trust in Communi

Everyone gets everything important with
Your own app in the app stores
An own app, with its own name, colors and logo, creates immediate identification
An app that is used
People’s participation makes your app relevant.
Secure and GDPR compliant
Our AVV contracts and TOMs put data protection officers in a good mood.
Under your control
In your own app, you decide on the relevance of the posts.
Simply communicate together
Not an app for people, but a project with people
To establish a successful community app, people have to use it. The community's content makes the app the center of community life.
Promotes commitment and volunteerism
People can easily start projects and clubs can easily gain new members.
Your own app connected to other projects
Through shared groups, you can easily connect your app with over 700 other apps from other municipalities, churches, clubs and initiatives
The app fits seamlessly into existing a

Connect your app and save time through automation
Our Zapier interface gives you access to over 50,000 platforms for linking. This makes it easy to integrate social media channels or the website.
Use the knowledge of the people in your area
In your community app, you don’t have to worry about the content because the content comes from the people themselves.
You only pay when people use the app
Our prices are structured in such a way that the costs are very low during the start-up phase and only increase when the app is actually used. This minimizes the risk considerably.
Free updates every 6 weeks
we are constantly improving your app. Thanks to feedback from over 150,000 users, we can make your app a little better every day.
Feedback from users
Ich benutze die App gerne und oft. Das läuft quasi nebenbei. Da die Handhabung extrem simpel ist, haben wir wenig Aufwand damit. Ich bin ein absoluter Fan, obwohl ich technisch nicht wirklich fit bin. Die App empfehle ich jederzeit gerne weiter

We as a collective municipality and 20 of our local communities have opted for an advanced solution for our communication in the form of our own app from Communi. This app not only offers the ideal way to achieve transparency, information and interaction at the local level, but also enables us as a collective municipality to use a comprehensive information channel. This allows us to share important issues directly and quickly with our citizens and together strengthen participation and cooperation in our region.

Our own "Liebshausen" Communi app helps us to maintain a good village community. I was surprised myself by how many people downloaded the app after a promotional campaign. Since then, our app has become the center of digital village life and people can actively participate in village life. The app also brings great added value to the administration in that many citizens can now be reached directly in the app.

"Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit unserer eigenen Orts-App von Communi! Sie wird von den Bürger*innen sehr gerne genutzt und erschließt insbesondere zu den jüngeren Mitbürger*innen völlig neue Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten. Die App hat bereits nach kurzer Zeit zur Förderung des Ehrenamts und der Vereine beigetragen. Bestehende Gruppen und Vereine konnten für die App gewonnen werden, wodurch der Ausstieg aus WhatsApp und ähnlichen Plattformen erfolgreich vorangetrieben wurde."

"In der Ortsgemeinde wird die App sehr gut angenommen, mit steigenden Mitgliederzahlen und einer Vielfalt an Nutzern aller Altersgruppen, einschließlich Senioren. Die App dient als wichtige Informationsquelle für Veranstaltungen und öffentliche Ankündigungen der Gemeinde, sowie für die Organisation von Helfern bei verschiedenen Projekten. Die Kommunikation und der Austausch unter den Bürgern funktionieren reibungslos, und die Funktionen zur Aufgabe von Angeboten und Gesuchen werden aktiv genutzt. Die App hat bereits dazu beigetragen, verlorene Gegenstände und sogar vermisste Haustiere wiederzufinden, und fördert die Zusammenarbeit und den Kontakt zwischen Bürgern, die sich sonst vielleicht nicht kennengelernt hätten."

"We absolutely depend on people getting involved with us. The app allows us to reach young people, which is otherwise rather difficult. The notice board in particular helps us a lot. Everyone can get involved here without it becoming annoying for others. With our app, we kill two birds with one stone: people come to us on their own and help, and our communication is much more active."

This is how to apps work
Are you familiar with the principle of a bulletin board? Then the structure of the Communi app for your community will immediately seem familiar to you.
Find people and posts
Filter posts and hide what is not of interest
Here users can access their chats, calendar and groups.

Your own profile, push notifications, etc.
A post can be an event, a recommendation, a search/offer or an "official post"
Here users can create a new post
It's worth being quick: introductory offer for municipalities 🎉
Configure the app according to your needs
Of course, all packages contain
- Free updates
- Ad-free
- Official Channel
- Configurable design
- Premium Support
Interesting Contents
Interesting facts about us and our app for municipalities

Start-ups unterstützen Kommunen dabei, mit ihren Bürgerinnen und Bürgern in Kontakt zu treten und zu bleiben

What began as a small project has now become a success story

An interview with the founder magazine Mainfranken about the creation of Communi

The Mainpost reports on startups from Würzburg - including Communi

FounderTalk with Sebastian, Lukas & Julian from Communi
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