🙌 Menschen mit einer eigenen App für den Glauben begeistern 🙌

👫 Markus Schweitzer erklärt, wie sie digital Nähe schaffen 📲

„Wir wollen Menschen für Jesus gewinnen, dabei hilft eine durchdachte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Unsere Gemeinde App unterstützt das Entstehen neuer Beziehungen. Es beginnt im Digitalen und geht in persönlichen Beziehungen weiter.“

Markus Schweitzer, Leiter Öffentlichkeitsarbeit FeG Kaiserslautern-Nord & freier Medienberater, markus-schweitzer.de

Profilbild von Markus Schweitzer

When is a community app right for my community?

Having your own community app is the perfect choice if you want to ensure that:

➡️ Everyone gets everything important: Thanks to your own community app, which people like to use, your information really reaches everyone.

➡️ the community is strengthened: The app promotes cohesion in your community and helps people feel like they belong. Stay in touch and build relationships even when you are apart.

➡️ Interested parties can reach you quickly: With Communi's own app, new people can quickly get to know your community without having to exchange email addresses or cell phone numbers beforehand.

➡️ you have to spend less time: Maintaining many communication channels is time-consuming. Use Communi to automate your public relations work and involve more people in your community.

Feedback from users

Replaced the bulletin board, enabled community - that's what the Communi app did for us at the Jesustreff Stuttgart. People from the community and many others can network very well, give things away and plan events. The app perfectly complements our digital offerings with the community factor!

Foto von Tobi Wörner
Tobi Woerner Church founder and speaker

We were looking for a way to connect our listeners and give them the opportunity to get to know each other even over long distances. The Communi app offers us this opportunity, and it does so better than would be possible via Facebook, Twitter, etc. The app now allows listeners to become active themselves, without being dependent on our initiative.

Gofi Müller verwendet eiene eigene community App von Communi
Gofi Müller Podcast Hossa Talk

For the evening church, the Communi app was exactly the innovation we needed. It helped us to get people talking to each other. When people get to know each other with the help of an app like this and real, deep friendships develop, it's a brilliant experience.

Foto von Matthias Ehmann
Matthias Ehmann Lecturer TH Ewersbach

Other communities had these questions

Is our community too big/too small for its own app?

Small communities have the advantage of being able to quickly build a lively community using the app. For larger communities, having their own app offers the opportunity to communicate openly and in a structured manner. Even with hundreds of users, the app remains easy to navigate.

How do I start with Communi Risk-Free in our community?

  1. Place a free test app at.
  2. Try Communi free for 30 days.
  3. Are you convinced? E-Mail until 15.07.2024 at , with a request to activate the 365-day money-back guarantee.
  4. Then simply click on Book in your test app!

Will people in our community use our own app?

Our high satisfaction rate and the rapidly growing number of users mean that a Communi app will be used by many people in your community. See for yourself and try it out completely risk-free with our 365-day money-back guarantee.

❓Wie entwickle ich eine eigene Kommunikationsstrategie für meine Gemeinde?

Die verschiedenen Schritte hat Markus Schweitzer in der Christsein Heute und auf seiner Website veröffentlicht. Dort findest du auch seine Kontaktdaten und die Möglichkeit, ihn unverbindlich kennenzulernen.

We already use church management tools such as Churchtools, Microsoft Teams, etc.

Your own Communi app complements common management tools perfectly. Your own app is easy to understand and can be used by interested parties without registration. Through clever links with your other tools, important information from other systems can be displayed in Communi. The low-threshold access and simple operation mean that people enjoy using your own community app.

How is Communi different from a messenger like WhatsApp?

With Communi, your community gets its own app in the app stores and makes it easy for people to experience your community with the digital bulletin board. Communication via Communi is clear and official information doesn't just get lost among other things.

How much effort is involved in managing the app?

Because people are active in the app themselves, it is much easier to manage than, for example, an Instagram account. Linking the app to your website and your social media presence also saves a lot of time.

Can you connect with other communities using Communi?

Yes, congregations with their own app can work together across groups and thus organize communication within the federation or church district.

365 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie

Du bist dir unsicher, ob die App von deiner Gemeinde angenommen wird. Unsere Empfehlung: Teste die App in der Praxis. Dank unserer 365 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie ist dies risikofrei möglich. Melde dich dafür bis zum 15.07.2023 per Mail an

Wie viel kostet Communi für meine Gemeinde?

Die Communi App ist bereits ab 24€ pro Monat erhältlich.

Das Preismodell ist so gestaltet, dass Gemeinden aller Größenordnungen die Vorteile der App nutzen können. Um herauszufinden, welcher Preisplan für deine Gemeinde am besten geeignet ist, besuche unsere Website: https://communiapp.de/preise/

Wir sind so überzeugt von unserer App, dass wir eine 365-Tage-Geld-zurück-Garantie anbieten. Teste die Communi App noch heute kostenlos und unverbindlich und überzeuge dich selbst!



In the mood for a conversation?

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