Get Communi for your community now
With Communi's own app, a wide range of offerings is created automatically simply by making existing offerings transparent.
Put an end to annoying chat groups. With Communi's own app, communication becomes clear and not at all stressful, even with hundreds of people.
Communi is not only the best, but also the cheapest way to get your own app for your community. Create a test app and see for yourself.
Privacy is our top priority. All data is stored on servers in Germany.
When booking with the discount code
»Schwarzes Brett ersetzt, Gemeinschaft ermöglicht – das hat die Communi-App für uns im Jesustreff Stuttgart getan. Leute aus der Gemeinde und viele drumrum können sich sehr gut vernetzen, Zeugs verschenken und Events planen. Die App ergänzt unsere digitalen Angebote perfekt um den Gemeinschaftsfaktor!«
Tobi Wörner, Gemeindegründer und Referent
Of course, all packages contain
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